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Risposte postato da Organista94

  1. Ho caricato la partitura nel topic degli elaborati. Credevo di averlo già fatto ieri sera in questo, ma qualcosa evidentemente non ha funzionato.

    Un saluto a tutti.


    Stavo dando un occhiata alla partitura, cosa sono quei pallini bianchi sotto le note ... tipo a pag 3?

  2. questa fuga mi sta stressando parecchio ... con quel salto di ottava ascendente che complica non poco le cose.


    Anche io ho incontrato qualche difficoltà ... mi spuntano errori come funghi.


    Vorrei vedere qualche altra soluzione e poi magari aggiusto il tiro :)

  3. CONCORSO di CLAVICEMBALO (Quindicesimo) "Paola Bernardi" Sesta Edizione Europea





    Associazione Clavicembalistica Bolognese

    CONCORSO di CLAVICEMBALO (Quindicesimo)

    "Paola Bernardi"

    Sesta Edizione Europea

    Aperto a Candidati dell’UNIONE EUROPEA

    Bologna 2 -5 novembre 2013

    In collaborazione con la R. Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna


    Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Presidente

    Ewald Demeyere, Frédérick Haas, Maria Pia Jacoboni Neri, Silvia Rambaldi

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  4. No, per Bach non si riferisce al catalogatore. BWV sta per Bach Werke Verzeichnis che significa "Catalogo delle opere Bachiane". L'autore del catalogo è Wolfgang Schmieder.


    Per analogia per Buxtehude, BuWV starebbe per "Buxtehude Werke Verzeichnis", peccato che non sappia chi sia l'autore del catalogo :(



    21. 3. 2013








    2th MESSAGE


    Dear Organist, if you consider this cause good and you would like to join it, be part of it informing other organists and voluntarily organize, during or after March 21, in the church or in the musical Institute where you are holder, an event, choosing among concert, liturgy, conference, guided tour, seminar, organ meetings in the houses. After established the program, fill in your language the module you will find on the website www.confederazioneorganisticaitaliana.it , inserting the details of your event relative to:


    DATE (21th of March, before or after) WHERE * town and nation

    KIND (concert, liturgy, organ vespers, seminar, conference, guided visit, etc) SPACE * church or Institute

    POSSIBLE ARGUMENT - PERFORMERS – RELATORS (organists and possible collaborators)


    PROGRAM (only authors of pieces) ORGAN MAKER

    ORGANIZATION (Church, Society, Corporation public, Foundation, etc)

    COLLABORATOR (parish priest or Institute director)


    You will be able to insert data by yourself on the calendar which is detailed and always up-to-date, and you will have the possibility to consult it whenever you want. In the calendar will also be the space dedicated to events or concerts you organize if you would like to dedicate to the World Organ Day 2013 even in other occasions. You will try, according to your ability, to make your event public and to give resonance to it in collaboration with the pastor of your church, with the Director of your Institute or with the President of the Academy of organ.




    ORGANIZATION (Church, Society, Corporation public, Foundation, etc)

    PLACE (town and nation)

    SPACE (church or Institute)

    DATE (21th of March, before or after)

    KIND (concert, liturgy, organ vespers, seminar, conference, guided visit, etc)


    PERFORMERS (organists and possible collaborators)

    PROGRAM (only authors of pieces)

    ORGAN MAKER (builder and pos. restorer)

    COLLABORATOR (parish priest or Institute director)




    On the 21st March 2004,Pescara in Abruzzo saw the birth of the Italian Organ Day for the same reasons described above. Designed by me, it was made voluntarily and enthusiastically received throughout Italy by major Italian organists at their churches or their music academies.

    To cite a few ones: Louis F. Tagliavini, Giancarlo Parodi, Louis Celeghin, Giorgio Carnini, W. Van de Pool, James E. Goettsche, Massimo Nosetti, Liwue Tamminga and many others.

    2006 saw no less than 500 events. Among the awards we received, the prestigious ones were those of the Vatican, the President of the Republic, the First Minister and Minister of Culture of the Italian Government.

    In 2007, with the join of the relevant European organists, the initiative became the 1st EurOrganDay and it immediately gained the prestigious recognition of the International Society of Art & Research - PALMAS "for the artistic quality of professionalism expressed in the initiative Vs "European Day for Organ 2007 '" and a welcome letter from Pope Benedict XVI.

    Several organists participated, including Mark and Francis Indorf I saw him, Torsten Laux, Paul Crivello, Klemens Schnorr, Marc Giacone, Thierry Mechler, Michal Novenko, Andres Uibo, Luc Ponet, Antoine et Virgile Renoult Monin, Cor Ardesch, Juan R . Biava, Michael Austin, James Edward Goettsche and Domenico Severin, just to cite a few. Voluntary initiatives were held in Paris, Helsinki, Hamburg, Geislingen, Amsterdam, Monte Carlo, Brussels, Prague, Tallinn, Tongeren, Rennes, Dordrecht, Monaco, Pfarzheim, Meaux and other Italian and European cities, as you can see from the rich calendar and documents attached.

    In 2013 it became WORLD ORGAN DAY extending the invitation to organists in various parts of the world the initiative was attended among many organists from other parts of the world enjoying Authoritative Awards including the ONU United Nations for Culture for the idea of "Unity and Artistic Interest" among peoples.


    The organists were joined by previous: Cristina García Banegas from Montevideo, Uruguay, James Kibbie from "The University of Michigan USA, Brennan Szafron from Spartanburg, SC, USA, Paul Barte from the Dayton Chapter of the American Guild of Organists OHIO, USA, from Robert Wagner Sydney Grammar School; Geert Jan Pottjewijd, St Andrew's Cathedral, SydneyAustralia - KerstiPetermann, KristelAer-daTallinn, Estonia Stephen Martorella-from The First Baptist Church in America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, John Grew by CANADA and others from various countries.


    On March 21 around the world every organist pays homage to Bach on his own, and this is really praiseworthy. And, you know, celebrating it altogether united, we could make a an UNIVERSAL celebration, such as Bach,


    M.r Mauro Pappagallo

    President of the Ital. Org. Conf.

    Teacher of organ by Conservatoire in Pescara – Italy

    Tel. 0039.085.4217.036 Mobile 0039. 333.7419.940


    Maestro Mauro Pappagallo - organist - Bari - President of the Org Unit. Italian


    Maestro Italo Di Ciocco - organist - Sulmona-vice-pres. Pack of Org. Italian


    Prof. Mafalda Baccaro - organist-Alberobello - Vice-President of Confeder. Organ. Italian


    Prof. Amaryllis Voltolina - organist - Pres Ass. Organ "Mario Voltolina" - Padua

    Vice-President of Confeder. Organ. Italian

    Maestro Roberto Maria Cucinotta - organist - Monza - President of the Association. Organ "Pro Arte Musica" and Director of the Confeder Org. Italian

    Ennio Cominetti - organist - Lecco - Director of Editions "Eurarte"


    Philip Linden - organist - Dom Bedos Organ Committee of St. Dominic in Rieti


    Maestro Luciano Bologna - organist - Organ Association Aquilana


    Maestro Diego Canizzaro - organist - Chairman of the Research Centre of Organ Cefalu


    Prof. Maria Grazia Filippi - organist - President of the International Academy for organ

    S. Martino "in Bologna

    Maestro Carlo Bonatti - organist - President of the Association. Organ "G. Cavazzoni "in Mantua


    Maestro Eugenio Becchetti - organist - President of the Association. Cult. "Pankalon" in Perugia

    Maestro Antonio Colasurdo - organist - Dir The Choir of the Cathedral of Campobasso

    Maestro Massimo Nosetti - organist - Turin Maestro Federico Vallini - organist-Rome


    Maestro Domenico Tagliente - Taranto

    Prof. Giamila Berre - organist - Silvi


    Prof. Marco Di Marco - organist - Avezzano






    ORGANIZATION (Church, Society, Corporation public, Foundation, etc)

    PLACE (town and nation)

    SPACE (church or Institute)

    DATE (21th of March, before or after)

    KIND (concert, liturgy, organ vespers, seminar, conference, guided visit, etc)


    PERFORMERS (organists and possible collaborators)

    PROGRAM (only authors of pieces)

    ORGAN MAKER (builder and pos. restorer)

    COLLABORATOR (parish priest or Institute director)

  6. Leggo dal sito


    Nel museo, inoltre, è documentata l’evoluzione tecnologica, stilistica e di gusto del pianoforte, simbolo eminente della civiltà musicale occidentale con un clavicembalo italiano a due registri della seconda metà del Seicento con dipinto ad olio del XVIII secolo di scuola romana sulla parte interna del coperchio. Un fortepiano italiano a coda della fine del XVIII secolo, tre fortepiano a coda: “Daniel Dorr” (inizio XIX sec.), “I.Bösendorfer” (1840 circa), “J.B.Streicher” (1860 circa) ed un pianoforte a coda “Blüthner” del 1904.


    Sembra però parli di "dipinto" ... boh?

  7. Mio sa che quello non centra, non riesco a modificare il post...


    ... qui c'è penso quello che ti interessa





    Cito fedelmente


    GOBBI Diego, organaro

    (Rezzanello, 1911 - Piacenza, 1977)

    Iniziò a lavorare da falegname con il padre e a 14 anni si dedicò allo studio della musica con il parroco del paese, frequentando poi la scuola ceciliana in seminario e il corso libero di canto gregoriano al Liceo musicale di Piacenza. Facendo l'organista in paese, decise di costruire un suo organo. Rilevata la bottega di un accordatore a Piacenza, iniziò assieme al fratello Giorgio , l'attività di restauratore di organi. I due costruirono anche degli armoni e un loro strumento nella versione elettrica fu premiato con medaglia d'oro al concorso internazionale di Parigi. I loro organi da chiesa elettronici erano esportati ovunque. Nel 1940 elettrificarono l'organo della chiesa del S. Cuore di Piacenza e nel 1963 restaurarono quello di S. Maria in Gariverto di Piacenza.

    BIBLIOGRAFIA: Filipazzi.

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